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Our skincare experts share all you need to know about our Aqualyx treatments.

Aqualyx fat dissolving injections are a non-surgical solution to minimise and remove stubborn localised pockets of fat from the body. It is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that won’t shift, even with focused exercise. This is a new treatment which helps to dissolve body fat and considered to be an effective alternative to liposuction. The treatment involves injections that “break down cells that you then pass through urine”. Aqualyx is licensed in the UK for localised or spot removal of fat from areas such as the chin, knees, hips, thighs or under the buttocks.


Learn more about what to expect with your treatment below or book your appointment now…

How does Aqualyx work?

The body has its own system in place for burning excess bodyweight. Acidic bile is naturally produced by the liver to aid in the process of breaking down fat.

Aqualyx uses a synthetic form of acid (deoxycholic acid) from plant-based ingredients and is delivered to the fatty areas through needle injection. The acid works to eliminate fat by breaking down the structure of the fat cells. Once broken down fat cells are dissolved or liquified, which will then escape the cell and the fatty liquid can be easily burned as the body metabolises it.

Why should I have my treatment at PURE Holistic?


1. SPECIALIST PRACTITIONER: Your consultation will be with the same person who will treat you.. You don’t see different people along your treatment journey. Your consultation, treatment and aftercare, you will always see the same person.

2. SERVICE & CARE: PURE prides ourselves on salon guest care and experience, therefore, we will ensure that your visit and treatment is as informative, comfortable and professional as possible.

3. LOCATION: We are situated in the beauty village of Netley Abbey, Southampton. With easy access from the M27, local train station of Netley Abbey and bus stops almost on out doorstep.
Free car parking is within 100 meters.

4. HIGH SATISFACTION: PUREs’ salon guest are very happy with their results resulting in many returning to have additional areas. and additional treatments You can see many of our positive reviews on google.

All bookings are made through our online portal. To secure a booking, you will be asked to enter your credit card/debit card or paypal details, and a booking fee will be taken.

We know for a fact we are one of the most competitively priced salons around in Southampton, so rest assured you are receiving professional treatment at a great price using only most reputed and world famous brands. We understand that price and value are important. We will always be competitive on our treatment price but it’s our service and fantastic natural results that we achieve to make you look and feel the most beautiful version of yourself that will have you coming back to PURE.

Who is suitable for Aqualyx treatments?

Aqualyx is most suitable for those who maintain a healthy lifestyle and are close to their ideal bodyweight, but have isolated stubborn areas of fat.

Aqualyx is not recommended for those with significant weight loss problems.

You can not be treated if:

  • Lipodystrophy has been diagnosed.
  • You are pregnant and/or breastfeeding
  • If you have liver or kidney disease.
  • If you have active skin problems (including acne)
  • If taking blood thinning medicines e.g. warfarin and aspirin.
  • If you have allergies to ingredients.
  • If you have an Autoimmune system disease.
  • If you have any undiagnosed lumps or swelling.
  • If you have any infections, diseases or a fever.
  • If you are under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol.

Aqualyx is Not recommended for anyone under the age of 18 or over the age of 60.

The following will require medical consent for treatment to take place.

  • Epilepsy.
  • Nervous or psychotic conditions.
  • Recent haemorrhage.
  • Currently undergoing any treatment by a GP.

If you have any of the following in the areas to be treated, treatment will not be able to take place in that area:

  • Cuts, bruises, abrasions.
  • Scar tissue less than three months old.

What areas can Aqualyx be used on?

Popular areas to treat include:

  • Chin
  • Facial jowl
  • Upper arms
  • Armpit
  • Waist
  • Stomach
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Back of knees
  • Thighs inner and outer
  • Buttocks
  • Love handles


Aqualyx is injected into the fat under your chin, with small amounts administered at several points. The number of injections you need will vary according to the amount of excess fat you have. We will tailor the doses according to your individual need.

Most clients need at least two treatments and some will need up to a maximum of six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart. 

Does Aqualyx get rid of cellulite?

Aqualyx is a non-surgical injectable treatment, which allows you to get rid of that muffin-top and cellulite long-term. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment is perfect for area such as the neck, tummy, thighs and any other place that harbours stubborn fat.

Will Aqualyx tighten my skin?

Body Contouring with Aqualyx is an advanced medical innovation that restores and tones your body’s shape without the cost and rigours of surgery. As a result of dissolving stubborn, localised fat, unwanted bulges are smoothed out and eradicated.

It sounds painful...does it hurt?

Before treatment a topical anaesthetic can be applied to minimise any pain or discomfort, although this is not necessary. Larger areas may lead to more discomfort, the area would naturally require more injections at each session. 
Slight erythema and bruising may be prominent for up to 72 hours after each treatment session as well as swelling which can last up to 2 weeks.
You can buy over-the-counter painkillers do not use anti-inflammatory painkillers i.e. ibuprofen-this will work against the treatment outcome.
What are the ingredients in Aqualyx?

Key ingredients of Aqualyx include:

  • Sugar obtained from red macroalgae.
  • A monosaccharide sugar .
  • Chemicals acting as a buffer system.
  • Deoxycholic acid. 
  • Water (87%)
  • Sodium chloride (0.8%)

Deoxycholic acid has been used in various fields of human medicine since its discovery. Present also in the human body, deoxycholic is used in the emulsification of fat for the absorption into the intestines.

How many Aqualyx treatments will I need?

The number of Aqualyx treatments is dependent on the personal response of every individual. In general, 2-4 treatments are normal.

Body area and number of treatments required guide:

  • Chin 2 – 4
  • Pre-jowl sulcus 2 – 4
  • Arm pits 2 – 4
  • Upper arms 2 – 4
  • Thoracic rolls 2 – 4
  • Abdomen 3 – 6
  • Hips 3 – 6
  • Saddle bags 3 – 6
  • Inner thighs 3 – 6
  • Knees 3 – 6
  • Lipoma 2 – 4

When will I see the results from my treatment?

The number of treatments required varies on the size of the fatty deposit to be eliminated.
Results can be seen after one session. Typically 1 to 3 treatments are needed for smaller areas, ie. jowls and under chin. 2 to 8 treatments are required for larger areas e.g. stomach and thighs
Treatments should be organised with 4 to 6 week intervals.

When fat cells are treated with Aqualyx, they are permanently gone as long as no weight is gained. To ensure long-lasting results client must continue to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.

What is the aftercare for Aqualyx treatments?

AQUALYX procedures results with mandatory stages of transition that include:

Blushing of the treated area; reddish and slightly warmer sensation.
Mild pain, transient nerve injury, itchiness and a bruising sensation.
Swollen appearance; which in fact is a measure of the extent of success in the procedure. Greater swelling is indicative of better response to the AQUALYX  procedure.
A small percentage of individuals may experience temporary effects such as nausea and diarrhoea after an AQUALYX procedure.

The Aftercare recommended after the AQUALYX treatment include:

  • Do not apply cosmetics to treated area for 24 hours following treatment.
  • Avoid direct sources of heat and sunlight whilst inflamed (sunlight, sauna, etc)
  • Abstain from demanding exercise for 10 days.
  • Maintain a healthy diet while released fat is being metabolised to avoid fat storage elsewhere.
  • Drink plenty of fluids following treatment and avoid alcohol/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication or aspirin for 24 hours.
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