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Vitamin D Booster Injections

Our skincare experts share all you need to know about our Vitamin D Booster treatment.

Vitamin d injections support the healthy maintenance of bone density, your immune system, absorption of calcium and phosphate as well as helping to prevent osteoporosis amongst other benefits. A vitamin d deficiency can put you at higher risk of health conditions including heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and depression.


What are the benefits of Vitamin D Booster Injections?

  • Maintains bone density and bone health
  • Supports the immune system
  • Regulates the activity of more than 200 different genes
  • Aids the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the body (these are essential for muscles, teeth, and bones)
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Protects against heart disease
  • Supports brain function
  • Modulates cell growth
  • May help protect against respiratory infections
  • May alleviate symptoms of arthritis (research is ongoing but shows promising results)

    Who is this treatment most suited for?

    Those most suited to this treatment are those suffering a vitamin D deficiency or needing a booster. There are a number of other factors that can increase your risk of vitamin d deficiency including: obesity, if you wear a large amount of SPF, those with darker skin tones (which create less vitamin D), age (as you age you develop less vitamin D), if you spend a large amount of time indoors.

    What is the procedure?

    Vitamin D injections are incredibly safe. Before we administer anything to you we will carry out a thorough assessment of your physical health and calculate the correct dose. The treatment will only take a matter of moments.

    Additional Info

    Although we get Vitamin D from our food, we do not get enough, and what we do eat is usually poorly absorbed. Vitamin D ingested orally can take weeks, even months, to have an impact on your health – and much of the dose is lost when it is converted in the gut. However, intramuscular vitamin D injections have a much more immediate impact – some patients report feeling the effects right away. And because the vitamins are administered directly into the muscle, bypassing the gut, a much higher percentage of the vitamins can be utilised by the body.

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